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Pipeline FAQ Page


  1. What is Glen Riddle doing to be proactive to protect the safety, health and wellbeing of residents?

If Sunoco is working, you can be certain that a Glen Riddle employee is on site monitoring; we brought on additional employees to help with our watchdog efforts. We also hired Signal88 Security to provide additional support in this area, and Uzman Engineering to assist in providing technical information related to the safety of the work.


(staff photo available from Pipeline landing page)


Glen Riddle also was responsible for getting the Middletown Fire Marshal, the Middletown Township Fire Department, and the Rocky Run Fire Department out on site to conduct exercises on three different occasions to ensure proper access to all buildings.


(fire truck photo available from Pipeline landing page)


Glen Riddle filed a formal complaint with the Public Utility Commission oversight agency for pipeline work, and established an online petition that’s regularly sent to local officials.


We’re also continuing conversations with the township, asking them to intervene on noise and safety. And after reaching out to our local school district to alert them about bus safety issues introduced by Sunoco’s construction, the district hired a security firm of their own to evaluate the situation.


Glen Riddle purchased a decibel meter that residents can use in their apartments if they’d like to measure excessive noise for formal complaints to the Township.


Residents can expect regular updates on Facebook, through email, and on this website. We’ve set up forms and surveys to collect feedback from our community, and we recently hosted a town hall open to all concerned residents.



  2. How can I support the Glen Riddle team in their efforts to hold Sunoco accountable?

Please report any noise complaints to the Township Manager John McMullan:

27 N. Pennell Road

PO Box 157

Lima, PA 19037-0157


Let Ed Deisher, Director of Property Management Iacobucci Companies, know as well so we can track the concerns: If you’d like to use Glen Riddle’s sound meter to measure the noise in your home, please let us know. 


If you see or are experiencing school bus issues, please report it to the Supervisor of Transportation for RTMSD, Bonnie Kinsler: - and let Ed Deisher know as well so we can track the concerns.


Report any of your safety concerns (i.e. evacuation plans) to Chris Quinn, Township Manager, Delco Emergency Management:

State Representative Chris Quinn:

438 E. Baltimore Avenue

Media, PA 19063

610-325-1541 (office)


Report General Concerns to Township Manager John McMullan (contact info above) and let Ed Deisher know as well so we can track the concerns.


Use the Pipeline Reporting Form to share comments and/or photos of any wrongdoing that is observed on-site.


Reach out to government agencies to share your concerns:






  3. What is the timeline for pipeline construction at Glen Riddle?

When Sunoco originally informed us of their drastic change in construction plans this fall, they estimated that the project would take at least four months to complete. That said, they have not shared an updated timeline with the Glen Riddle team, even though our legal representative has continued to ask on a nearly daily basis. We will be sure to share updated timeline details as soon as they are made available to us.



  4. What are the permitted noise levels and days/times for Sunoco’s work on site?

Glen Riddle recently purchased a decibel meter to measure sound from within your apartments. If you’d like us to measure the noise from within your home, please contact Ed Deisher, Director of Property Management Iacobucci Companies: We also recommend reaching out to John McMullan, Township Manager:

27 N. Pennell Road

PO Box 157

Lima, PA 19037-0157




  5. Have structural engineers been out to evaluate the situation?

We have asked the Township and Sunoco to provide a sealed analysis by a licensed engineer, but this has not yet occurred. We have engaged our engineer, Uzman Engineering, to conduct technical reviews and evaluations of what he observed at the community and what we can gather from the little information Sunoco has shared. We have also hired Signal88 Security to provide security on the property and act as watchdogs. In addition, many of you have noticed both the Middletown Township and Rocky Run fire departments on site; they have been responsive to our concerns and continue to work with us to evaluate issues as they arise. You will also notice a dedicated staff member always on-site while Sunoco is working. If you have further questions, we recommend contacting John McMullan, Township Manager:

27 N. Pennell Road

PO Box 157

Lima, PA 19037-0157




  6. What is happening behind the construction barriers?

The graphic below shows the original plan that was presented to Glen Riddle in 2016, highlighted in red. This work was for underground drilling only, with limited (if any) disruption aboveground. Highlighted in green, you’ll see the private property that was recently seized or ‘taken’ by condemnation on behalf of Sunoco in order to complete aboveground work that was not permitted in the original plan. This seizure, known as condemnation, presents a potentially dangerous environment that would require additional safety precautions yet to be shared by Sunoco. For details on open cut/open trench installation, you can review the fact sheet Sunoco provided here.













  7. Will we be receiving additional rent relief in the coming months?

Glen Riddle has not received any money from Sunoco for the temporary work zone.  We have been aggressively pushing Sunoco to provide, among other safety priorities, some financial support to residents as they have done for other properties within their path.  As of now, the rent relief for residents has come directly from the owners of Glen Riddle. We understand that the construction has been a massive inconvenience and we’re trying to compensate within our means. We will update you on future rent relief efforts as soon as we make progress with Sunoco’s team.



  8. What is being done about the loss of parking spaces?

We are aware parking is affected, but we need a final plan from Sunoco before we can adjust our lot to accommodate changes. We’re committed to improving the current parking situation for residents.



  9. Where can I look for updates on the pipeline project?

You should already be receiving updates via email. You can also find updates on our website here, as well as the Iacobucci Communities Facebook page here.



  10. What fire safety/escape routes are available for the apartments closest to the construction?

Through the efforts of Glen Riddle and Uzman Engineering, we’ve had both the Middletown Township and Rocky Run fire departments out on site. Based on their feedback, Sunoco has had to move the barriers back up to 12-15 feet in order to accommodate the fire truck turn radius as well as ladder access to the top floors.



  11. How has the construction affected school bus pick-ups and drop-offs?

After observing logistical issues with the Rose Tree Media School buses, we contacted the district’s transportation office to inform them of the current situation. They were unaware that a change in pattern was being caused by the Sunoco condemnation. The school district has since hired US Security Care to monitor the bus activity and ensure that students are able to safely access their transportation. If your child is still experiencing difficulties commuting to school, please contact Ed Deisher at and the Supervisor of Transportation for RTMSD, Bonnie Kinsler:



  12. How can we contact Sunoco to voice our concerns?

Energy Transfer: Mariner East Pipeline Project

3807 West Chester Pike

Newtown Square, PA 19073




  13. How can we contact our government officials to voice our concerns?

You can sign the petition that we created on behalf of residents. It sends signature updates to: 


State Representative Chris Quinn:

438 E. Baltimore Avenue

Media, PA 19063

610-325-1541 (office)


Colleen Eckman

District Office Manager for

State Representative Chris Quinn

438 E. Baltimore Avenue

Media, PA 19063

610-325-1541 (office)


Council Chairman Mark Kirchgasser:



Councilman Walter (Bok) Read (representing Glen Riddle’s district):



You can also contact Middletown Township Manager John McMullan for noise complaints:

27 N. Pennell Road

PO Box 157

Lima, PA 19037-0157




  14. How else can residents get involved?​​​

  1. Consider signing this petition to local government officials

  2. If you see something suspicious on-site, please use this form to report it

  3. Help us spread the word and get the attention of changemakers and media by sharing Facebook posts from the Iacobucci Communities Facebook page here

  4. Report noise complaints through the Middletown website.



  15. What is the disruption around G&H building and E&F Building?

​Unfortunately, the SEPTA rail work above Glen Riddle has caused a significant influx of stormwater runoff to Glen Riddle. The most impacted buildings are G&H and E&F. The situation escalated during the late summer and early fall. Glen Riddle’s engineer and trusted site work contractor monitored the rain water for several months this summer and into the fall. They established a plan to help ensure water infiltration was stopped. This work began in October and planned to be completed before Christmas.  The work was delayed by the abrupt start of Sunoco’s work. The disruption is due to the close proximity of Sunoco’s work space. Glen Riddle’s site work contractor stabilized the area and is prepared to return as soon as possible. The paving along the E&H, C&D drive path will also be corrected along with the balance of the site contractor work. 







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